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Section: New Results

APOLLO (Automatic speculative POLyhedral Loop Optimizer)

The goal of the APOLLO project is to provide a set of annotations (pragmas) that the user can insert in the source code to perform advanced analyses and optimizations, for example dynamic speculative parallelization. It is based on the prototype named VMAD which was developed previously by the team between 2009 and 2012. Alexandra Jimborean defended her PhD thesis on this topic in 2012 [30] .

APOLLO includes a modified LLVM compiler and a runtime system. The program binary files are first generated by our compiler to include necessary data, instrumentation instructions, parallel code skeletons, and callbacks to the runtime system which is implemented as a dynamic library. External modules associated to specific analyses and transformations are dynamically loaded when required at runtime.

APOLLO uses sampling, multi-versioning and code skeletons to limit the runtime overhead (profiling, analysis, and code generation). At runtime, targeted codes are launched by successive chunks that can be either original, instrumented or optimized/parallelized versions. These latter versions are generated on-the-fly through fast instantiation of the code skeletons. After each chunk execution, decisions can be taken relatively to the current optimization strategy. APOLLO is handling advanced memory access profiling through linear interpolation of the addresses, dynamic dependence analysis, version selection and speculative polyhedral parallelization [9] .

Several extensions and improvements have been implemented inside Apollo in 2014: